6TOOLS.ZIP 180,134 10-12-93 6TOOLS v1.0; 10 essential utilities forWordPerfect 6.0. The successor to WPTOOLS.Shrink files, protect macros, use documentsummaries, browse files, etc.
ABZ.ZIP 52,844 07-13-93 Full-featured easy word processor with101-key support, swap screens, online help,printer macros, much more, in 43k. Runs undeProcomm. Includes text-reformatting utility.
AMILS.ZIP 7,115 11-11-93 Standard rental lease form in AMI PRO format
AQ31.ZIP 99,566 10-01-93 ALPHAQUOTE v3.1; Desktop Publishing estimatofor books, news- letters & magazines. AQestimates individual or multiple pages,contains industry standard rates by regionand saves estimates to files for inclusionwith boi
BIBLO302.ZIP 357,049 12-19-93 BIBLOGIC v3.02; Bibliographic referencedatabase manager- A research/writing tool tostore, retrieve, & print bibliographicinformation & associated remarks. Handlesmany different reference styles & organizesnotes as w
BIGTXT23.ZIP 347,160 07-08-93 BIGTEXT electronic books v2.3; Turn BIG texfiles (up to 700k or more) into single,self-contained, self-displaying executablefiles that will fit on a 360k disk and arecapable of displaying full colourillustrations i
BKBILD1A.ZIP 141,241 12-26-93 Bookbild v1.0A/DOS Pamphlet Publisher forWordPerfect 5.1/DOS. Bookbild is a sharewaremacro package that converts a formatted two-across booklet into a camera ready document,with all the pages printable in the correct
BOOKE105.ZIP 146,911 07-16-93 The Book-E v1.05 from Relative Software.Make stand alone EXE's from plain text filesto distribute newsletters, manuals, electronbooks, and any disktop publishing material.Customize your finished EXE with differentwi
BOXER600.ZIP 331,362 01-05-94 BOXER Text Editor v6.0; 75 New Features &Options: Point & Click mouse support inmenus, locate differ- ences automatically insimilar files, greatly enhanced keyboardRECONFIG utility, Replace Again, improvedFile Menu
BSORT102.ZIP 32,196 10-04-93 BIGSORT V1.02 <ASP> - A fast general purposesorting utility for massive amounts of data.Handles various record formats, includingfixed length, variable length, dBASE, andcomma delimited records. The Sorting keyscan
COLLEC.ZIP 43,690 06-28-93 WinWord macros, for help file authoring.
CTOC41.ZIP 143,922 10-01-93 CODE TO CODE v4.1; Manages cryptic codes lefin text files by desktop publishing programsGreat for Ventura! Removes the codes,allowing for code free text editing, thenputs the codes back where they came from.Globally
CVRFT102.ZIP 18,729 04-21-93 ConvertRFT v1.02; Converts IBM DCA/RFT(Revisable Form Text) files to ASCII. Candrop soft returns or convert them to hardreturns. Can expand tabs to spaces or retainthem, drop other unwanted spaces, and markfont att
DOC2COM.ZIP 25,316 05-21-93 DOC2COM can make a self-browsing file out ofa text file. DOC2COM uses the text file asbase for creating a '.COM' file that can beexecuted as a callable DOS program.
DOSPEL37.ZIP 674,837 06-14-93 DO-Spell v3.71; English and Dutch spellingchecker. It comes with a 60,000-word list inEnglish, a 54,744-word list in Dutch, and a3000-word list in German (this comes to usfrom The Netherlands). As a 116k TSR, it can
DRFORM31.ZIP 360,449 03-01-94 DR. FORM v3.1; Make Professional Qualityforms easily. Full Mouse Support. Move, CopyDraw Lines, etc. Automatic Grid Maker. CreatMaster Forms and Fill them in. Print onpre-printed forms and make templates. PrintBold,
DTA20A.ZIP 308,449 09-12-93 DESKTOP ADVISOR v2.0 [1/2]; Create popuphypertext documents with images and sound.Great for manuals, catalogs, job performanceaids, other reference materials. Automaticconvert existing documentation, IncludesAuthori
DTS20DOC.ZIP 197,545 04-14-93 dtSearch 2.0 documentation and ALPHABETutility. Includes: A printable copy of themanual for dtSearch 2.0 for DOS/Windows, andthe dtSearch 2.0 ALPHABET utility, whichallows users to customize the way dtSearchhandle
DTSD20.ZIP 342,340 04-14-93 dtSearch v2.0 for DOS: Full-text retrievalfor all major word processors. Indexed andunindexed searches (unlimited indexingcapacity); wildcard, boolean, phrase andproximity searches; network support;international l
EDIT10.ZIP 83,843 11-28-93 EdIt! v1.0 -- A fast, windowed, mouseablereplacement for DOS's EDIT command. Idealfor BAT and text files under 64k, especiallyon networks: no more walking around toupdate users' files! Program size is lessthan 70k
EW5.ZIP 520,204 08-20-93 EASY WORD v.5; Word Processor- Easy to useWord Processor which includes Spell-Checker,Line Draw, Macros and inbuilt backup system.
EZDEX12.ZIP 37,727 12-15-93 EZ-DEX v1.2; Automatically types names andaddresses into running word processors, orother text oriented programs, upon usercommand. EZ-DEX also prints labels andenvelopes directly and dials phone numbers.
FIXCH305.ZIP 50,688 05-19-93 Text File Replacement Utility
FWT45X.ZIP 457,700 06-28-93 FW-Text v4.5x Word Processor w/SSA Interface
GALPRO1.ZIP 248,568 09-17-93 Galaxy Pro-Lite [1/2]; Unique word processothat is compact, easy to learn and simple touse, yet has all the powerful featurestoday's user demands.
GCATWP30.ZIP 110,299 06-28-93 GRAPHCAT 3.0-DOS version/WP60; Macro packagefor WordPerfect that creates pictorialcatalogs of clip art. Any graphic formatreadable by WP can be cataloged by Graphcat,and set up in columns as a printed index.Also cre
GRFBOOK.ZIP 81,029 05-29-93 GRFBook; Electronic/Hypertext Publishing.Page oriented hypertext-style publishingsystem provides "true" paper book emulationwith numbered pages and index tab stylemenus. Hypertext search and browse withinstant acce
HEBED12.ZIP 143,069 02-15-94 Hebrew Edit v1.2; Hebrew text editor thatsupports Hebrew vowels (Nikud), script andblock letters. Prints beautiful largecharacters on LaserJet, DeskJet and DotMatrix printers. Requires VGA or EGA.
HELLLP20.ZIP 257,835 02-08-94 HELLLP! v2.0; Windows Help File Author aidfor Word for Windows 2.0c, 6.0 or better.User friendly. Automatically sets up toplevel table of contents with jumps to topicssearch keys and browse sequences in place.You ad
HSHELLA.ZIP 349,068 12-29-93 HYPERSHELL v5 [1/4]; Versatile fast hypertexsystem with full embedded graphics support,now in 5th year with many corporate clients.Running on most PCs, it can make use of mousand colour. Authoring tools includeinteg
HSHELLB.ZIP 347,110 12-29-93 HYPERSHELL v5 [2/4]; Versatile fast hypertexsystem with full embedded graphics support,now in 5th year with many corporate clients.Running on most PCs, it can make use of mousand colour. Authoring tools includeinteg
HSHELLC.ZIP 348,002 12-29-93 HYPERSHELL v5 [3/4]; Versatile fast hypertexsystem with full embedded graphics support,now in 5th year with many corporate clients.Running on most PCs, it can make use of mousand colour. Authoring tools includeinteg
HSHELLD.ZIP 290,181 12-29-93 HYPERDEX v1.1 [4/4]; Version of theHyperShell hypertext system with support forthe creation, maintenance and access of dBascompatible databases. This provides a mixedfreetext and structured data storagecapability wi
HYPGEN44.ZIP 83,346 11-21-93 HyperRead hypertext Generator v4.4; Allowsyou to convert ordinary ASCII text files tohypertext files. Useful for electronicpublishers and shareware authors todistribute their publications and instructiomanuals.
JSPELL.ZIP 233,432 01-20-94 jspell v2.02c, ASCII file spell checkerFeatures: Mouse support, Undo up to 400steps, Dictionary manager, Multiple userdictionaries, File specific dictionary, Fastand intelligent suggestion for nearlymisspelled wor
KEYSVR11.ZIP 33,887 12-15-93 KEYSAVER v1.1; Provides a means ofautomatically typing boiler plate text atwill. Saves repetitive typing, and avoidsmisspelled words and other typos. Auto-typecanned text from specified files with promptfor manual
MARGAR32.ZIP 41,843 01-01-94 Margarine v3.2; Will add left, top, andbottom margins to text files. Automaticallycomputes max available space for left marginAdjustable column width of 25-132 charactersCan also paginate documents. Very fast,great
MICROTXT.ZIP 106,541 08-13-93 MicroText v4.5; Save trees by printing up to4 pages on one sheet. Requires anHP-compatible Laser printer or Epsoncompatible dot-matrix. Compresses any ASCIIfile, removing excess white space, andprinting in tiny, but
ORPH162A.ZIP 159,836 07-06-93 Orpheus 1.62, #1 in hypertext authoring! Makelectronic books in a writer-friendlyenvironment. Hypertext word-processor withonline help, mouse support, draw mode, more.Link to graphics, import text, play music,launc
ORPH162B.ZIP 189,186 07-06-93 Highly praised online help and User's Guidefor Orpheus. MANUAL1.DOC has step-by-steptutorials for making hypertext into polishedelectronic publications. MANUAL2.DOC is aguide to the OCL script language for use inp
ORPH162C.ZIP 144,745 07-06-93 Orpheus Reader, slick hypertext interface foonline books made w/ Orpheus Author. Includenotepad, bookmarks, graphics, DOS shell,mouse support, configurable colors, printingonline help, tour mode for self- runningdis
PC_PRO20.ZIP 390,102 06-19-93 PC-PROOF v2.0; This is the grammar checkeryou've been waiting for! It can detectcomplex errors like dropped words, extrawords, words that have been misspelled intoanother word. Ver. 2 adds TSR ability,command-line
PETPE305.ZIP 310,341 07-07-93 pE - The "perfect" Editor v3.05; Windoweditor with global search & replace across 4windows or files. Exclusive "found list"shows you all found strings in one window. Amust have for anyone dealing in ASCII text.Power
PROWSD7.ZIP 249,758 08-08-93 LetterHead Pro For WordStar For DOS v7.+;Shows you how you may insert a customdesigned letterhead into any WordStar v7.+document. Copy a printed letterhead, designyour own letterhead, or have CPI Softwaredesign one
RAP11.ZIP 19,835 07-08-93 Rap v1.1 -Shareware "word wrap" utility program usedto reformat text files into specific linewidths without splitting up words acrosslines. Also useful for removing all linebreaks within paragraphs for importing to
RAVED.ZIP 155,400 08-12-93 RAVITZ EDITOR v1.10; ASCII text editor forIBM/DOS systems. It has integrated outliningand overviewing, area mark manipulation(copy, fill, shift, sort, etc.), find/changeword wrap and reflow, line drawing, multiplefi
RCNTX325.ZIP 253,814 02-15-94 RACONTEX v3.25 <ASP> Text search andretrieval system that rivals FolioViews,AskSam, Zyindex and the STAIRS mainframeproduct. Includes Word Proximity Searchfeature. Useful for legal transcript,statutes, manuals. Idea
READ112H.ZIP 63,646 07-19-93 Read ASCII File Viewer; Display, search andbrowse binary & ASCII Files. Handy forviewing Hard Drive Directories, copying,moving and pasting. Combines with othersoftware to Edit files and manage Archives
RFL303.ZIP 192,798 01-04-94 REFILE 3.03 <ASP> Filing/retrievingdocuments, producing formattedbibliographies. Easy searches, browse forauthors, keywords, sources, folders. Veryflexible formatting capability, save & reuseformats. Rqs. IBM PC, MS
SHERL273.ZIP 115,198 02-04-94 SHERLOCK.EXE v2.73; Dual window ASCII textfile comparison utility that compares twoASCII files line by line. Contains featuresfor searching, ignoring case, spaces, tabs,jumping around the files, synchronizing thefil
SIGNWR42.ZIP 287,801 08-10-93 Signwriter v4.2: Sign-language Word Prcr.
SLEEK.ZIP 12,110 08-01-93 SLEEK v3.4; File reformatter/word wrap. Sleewill remove all EOLS within paragraphs (CR/LF ) Also gives you the option to word-wrap from the 10th-60000th column. Great forwysiwyg WWs and DTP. Command line driven.
SLK.ZIP 12,922 04-07-93 SLEEK V3.3 File reformatter/word wrap.Sleek will remove all EOLS within paragraphs( CR/LF ) Also gives you the option to word-wrap from the 10th-60000th column.Great for wysiwyg WWs and DTP.<ASP> Shareware. Command
STRPPR20.ZIP 33,365 06-30-93 Stripper v20: removes ASCII codes 1 to 31, &127, carriage returns, formfeeds, etc., fromany size file. 06/30/93. Patrick R. Rygiel.
TPED20.ZIP 218,959 07-18-93 TP-ET v2.0; An electric typewriter program.If your wondering why not just use a wordprocessor instead; the answer is TP-ET isjust a lot easier to use and learn. In factyou could use it without ever even readingthe m
TT52.ZIP 560,441 12-26-93 THELMA'S GRAMMARPLUS v5.2; An easy, yetpowerful grammar, style, spelling, cliche,and punctuation checker. Reads WordPerfect,ascii, other file formats. Built-in editorfor corrections. Automatic correction of somprob
TTC18.ZIP 184,641 12-19-93 THELMA'S CLICHEPLUS v1.8; Finds cliches,idioms, long sentences, short sentences, toomany or too few spaces at end of sentence.Differs from ClicheFinder: thousands moreentries, more sophisticated pattern matchingshow
TTS11.ZIP 838,718 01-04-94 THELMA'S GRAMMARPLUS v5.2; Easy yet powerfulgrammar, style, spelling, cliche andpunctuation checker. Reads WordPerfect,ASCII, and other file formats. Shows problemin context. Built-in editor for corrections.Use writ
TTX400.ZIP 58,785 11-12-93 TurboTxt Text File Compiler v4.00; Creates aself viewing .EXE program from DOS textfiles. Eliminates the need to distributereadme files with an external file viewer.Registered users do not need to pay royaltieon pr
TT_510A.ZIP 251,400 07-31-93 THELMA v5.09 [1/2]; THELMA THISTLEBLOSSOM.Checks grammar, style, punctuation, cliches,spelling, and more! When ThelmaThistleBlossom finds a problem, it displaysthe sentence in context, highlights theproblem, explai
TT_510B.ZIP 291,505 07-31-93 THELMA v5.09 [2/2]; THELMA THISTLEBLOSSOM.Checks grammar, style, punctuation, cliches,spelling, and more! When ThelmaThistleBlossom finds a problem, it displaysthe sentence in context, highlights theproblem, explai
VISED35.ZIP 409,462 06-14-93 VISION EDIT v3.5; Useful, fast,user-friendly, versatile text editor. Canedit as many documents as you like neatlyplaced in windows. Functions can be selectedfrom pull-down menus or by pressing short-cukeys. Context-
WEPACKS.ZIP 330,867 09-01-93 The WRITER'S EDITOR v1.0; Logically organizetext information. A whole book can bewritten into one file in a clear way orSections can be quickly found andreorganized. Also easy to use and powerfulfor numerous text w
WORDCB14.ZIP 46,307 10-18-93 WordCab v1.4: file cabinet for WinWord 2.xthat allows you to manage WinWord file bytitle instead of by filename.
WSM12.ZIP 31,841 08-03-93 WordSmart V1.2 File re-formatter/word wrap.Can remove all EOLS within paragraphs(CR/LF). Change Word-wrap. Add left and righmargins. Use to compress or expand linelength. Can strip form feeds and extraspaces. Return